Prime Video’s highly anticipated drama heist series “Everybody Loves Diamonds,” based on the Antwerp Diamond Heist 2003 (the largest-ever diamond heist in history), is around the corner. Directed by the renowned director Gianluca Maria Tavarellin and produced by Mario Gianani alongside Lorenzo Gangarossa, the eight-episode-long show is scheduled to be released worldwide on October 13, 2023.
Story and Plot of Everybody Loves Diamonds
As we mentioned above, the show is based on one of the largest diamond heists in history (the Antwerp diamond heist, 2003), which follows the story of a group of small-time Italian thieves led by Leonardo Notarbartolo, who cleverly managed to deceive one of the highly secure security systems and rob millions of worth of precious stones. As per the makers, the show will slowly delve into the meticulous planning and perfect execution of the robbery.