Following the ground-breaking success of the John Wick franchise, the makers are expanding the universe with the much-awaited prequel series “The Continental: From the World of John Wick.”
Developed by Greg Coolidge in association with Kirk Ward and Shawn Simmons, the show is directed by Albert Hughes and Charlotte Brändström. The three-part action thriller show is set to premiere on September 22, 2023, worldwide.
As we mentioned above, “The Continental: From the World of John Wick,” the upcoming action-thriller show, is a prequel to the John Wick film franchise.
The series is set in the 1970s, forty years before the actual story of the film. It follows the story of young Winston Scott (the owner of the New York Continental in John Wick Films) and his journey from being an assassin to the proprietor of the New York brand of the Continental, a chain of hotels that is a safe haven for assassins and criminals.