DisneyPlus Hotstar is coming up with the crime-thriller show “Aakhri Sach,” based on the horrific true story of the 2018 Burari Deaths. The show is scheduled to be released worldwide on August 23. Created by Robbie Grewal and Saurav Dey, it is the third show based on the same case following Crime Patrol and Netflix’s crime documentary “House of Secrets: The Burari Deaths.”
Story and Plot of Aakhri Sach
Aakhri Sach is an upcoming Indian crime-thriller show that is based on the 2018 spine-chilling case of the Burari Deaths. The main story of the show revolves around Anya, a police officer who is investigating the mass suicides of 11 members of the Burari family, including their 80-year-old mother and 15-year-old son.